Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Hello June!

So May was a pretty crazy month for me. I'm happy to see June, not only for the warmer weather but also for a little bit of a break! To catch you up on things, here's what I've been up to for the past 4 weeks (complete with pictures!).

1. Attending my bro's graduation at UT (Tennessee, not Texas). Not the best shot, but it's the only one I got.

2. Visiting my grandparents in Mississippi. Trip with the whole fam. Fun stuff! We ventured over to New Orleans for a day too.

3. Shooting my friends John and Knicki's wedding at Virginia Beach. Rainy wedding, but it all worked out okay!

4. Moving to Annapolis and starting a new job. No pictures yet, but here's one from a previous Annapolis visit.

5. Visiting Seattle with Paul. SO awesome! I've never really spent any time on the west coast, and I loved it. The weather was perfect and I just never imagined how beautiful Seattle could be.


Unknown said...

So... your grandparents live here? Seems like they've done well for themselves. =)