Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Laura & Jeff - Old Decatur Courthouse Wedding Photography

I've been putting off writing this post because I'm not quite sure how to put into words what I felt at Laura and Jeff's wedding. Laura and I go back a long time (freshman year at college to be exact - 10 years!) and I have so many fond memories of the two of us. There are not too many people I could spend twenty hours in the car with, but Laura is one of them. We made that two-day drive from Texas back to Tennessee together a number of times, and I can't ever remember dreading it, only looking forward to it. And that's the kind of person Laura is... someone you look forward to spending time with and talking to, because you know she's always genuine and kind. (Plus, I can count on her to laugh at my jokes.)

My first time meeting Jeff was at the wedding, but I could easily see how he and Laura get along so well. I enjoyed getting to know him a little better when we all had lunch in Annapolis a week after the wedding.

Anyway, it made me so happy to see two incredible people come together and I felt so honored I was chosen to document the occasion. But enough about all that. Jeff and Laura are perfect for each other blah blah blah. Let's see some photos! Can I just say this venue and room set-up was absolutely awesome?? Wow! Ceremony and reception were both at the Old Decatur Courthouse in Georgia.